Family Photo shoot - Larz Anderson Park, Brookline, MA
Over the weekend I have had the pleasure of photographing my dear friends and their adorable almost-3-year-old son, Alik. I think we didn't really know what to expect from this day, since we are good friends and here I am playing the friend-tographer (if it's not a word, I just made it up), with hopes of capturing some nice family photographs, while staying as unobtrusive as possible. We just had to let Alik loose in the park to explore and discover and simply follow his lead as he stomped in puddles, looked for little treasures and tried to escape from his parents. He was the captain of this ship and we were just there riding the waves (and making sure he is safe, of course;)! My belief is that nature + kids = beautiful moments! And the outcome of our little photo session was truly magical.